Well, you ARE a boogeyman. But you’re OUR boogeyman.
After a three-episode-long flashback.
If you’re going to eat that many, just buy a sushi log.
Someone was unappreciative of your posting or you literally got kicked out?
That’s why Taco Jesus invented soft tacos.
Just when I think I’ve forgotten all about this, someone pulls me back in.
“Everyone makes mistakes, you don’t have to make a federal pillowcase out of it.”
That last picture registers to me as child abuse.
Fascinate in the sense that she’ll spend the next five minutes confused as to why you gave her cheese.
By the time you realize you need to have a passport, you should have already gotten one. I got my first passport in 2000. It took like a week. I lost it and had to get a new one in 2007. I got grilled by Homeland Security in a windowless office about whether or not I was familiar with the terrorist cells in the country I was vacationing in because it was a country with a significant Muslim population. I can’t imagine what it’s like now.
Sign up for some exchange program in a neutral country, buy a round-trip ticket, and just never come back.
A small mote of light in a dark world.
If they lay a hair on Whataburger, I’m going to start dropping white phosphorus.
Check the area for second-story windows.
It hits different when you realize it’s the humans that are leaving.
So, same as now. :/