I sent an email. We’ll see what happens.
Edit: I received the following response:
This has been a social experiment by Oxford University, thanks for participating. Your data has been logged.
Immediately after opening the email, I received the following text message:
Hello, how have you been?
0/10, would not recommend.
A note about dating apps: most of them aren’t better than this. Their interest is keeping the user clicking, paying for services and coming back. If you find the right person for yourself, you will do none of that. So they:
- build awful card stack systems with no search function
- build superficial profile systems with no metadata about personality, habits or world views
…and of course, with such systems, people fail to find suitable partners. They come back and pay, but society suffers, because someone needs to make money.
I would vote for a politician who would promise that the ministry of health and social security will order a publicly funded dating site that’s built by scientists, with data privacy managed by the leading university in the country.
Catfish2Catfish communication.
That went from funny to sad real quick
Samantha Manson: want some sandwiches with grass?