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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Me, a liberal: “You need to understand that gender and ethnicity and religious tradition naturally divide us. But we can overcome all that with meritocracy. If we just stack rank everyone, we can skim the cream and anyone who works hard enough can join the professional class.”

    Also me, still a liberal: “Yeah, we’re just firing all the women, the non-Europeans, and any out LGBTQ faculty member from the organization because we need to comply with new Anti-DEI rules. No, I don’t see what that has to do with their economic position or social standing in society. Maybe they all should have just worked harder.”

  • As the Buddha said in the Vasala Sutta, “Not by birth is one an outcast; not by birth is one a brahman. By deed one becomes an outcast, by deed one becomes a brahman.”

    Why did the noble Japanese Buddhists boil Portuguese Christians alive? Was this one of those Brahman Deeds?

    The Buddha goes on to criticize the various things that brahmins do

    Much as Jesus critiqued the Pharasises. And yet modern Christian Dominionists have far more in common with Pharasises - even Roman Pagans - than the fishermen and slaves and prostitutes that were it’s original disciples.

  • When was the last time a Buddhist knocked on your door and asked you to find Buddha?

    Buddhism (and the Hinduism it is rooted in) isn’t intended to accrued disciples as part of an elaborate religiously flavored MLM. It is intended to justify existing, generational, disparities in wealth, power, and property.

    You won’t find one knocking on your door. You knock on their doors, and hope to ingratiate yourself to their superiors by adopting their customs in exchange for status and business relations.

  • It’s not even about banning people, it’s about the fact that Reddit was never a sustainable business model from the start, at least not in the traditional capitalist sense where you’re actively trying to make a profit to please shareholders

    If they’d been stalwart about banning automation and keeping original, legit human content pure, they probably could have used it as a fountain of fresh data for AI, for polling, for engagement farming, and for promotion.

    The site was still growing even despite the admin induced atrophy. But they just couldn’t resist killing the Golden Goose.

  • So basically government price fixing.

    Not even. He’s not doing anything to prevent prices from going up. He’s just whining at businesses for refusing to cut their margins to fund his government.

    Isn’t USA supposed to be the pillar of libertarian capitalism?

    It’s funny. There’s a couple of think thanks - the Fraiser Institute, the Hoover Institute, in collaboration with the CATO Institute - that are constantly putting out papers saying how America hasn’t gone Libertarian Capitalist enough. Historically, the two places in the world they consider “Most Libertarian” have been Hong Kong and Singapore.

    However, over the last decade, they’ve been forced to delist both of these locations as Chinese business investment flooded in and American financial interests were shoved out. So now their new favorite spots are Switzerland, New Zealand, Luxembourger, and Ireland. Incidentally, these institutes are filling up with White Nationalists and other ultra-orthodox Christian Conservatives who refuse to acknowledge any country with brown people in it might have civil or economic liberties. The current issue of their annual newsletter blames a great deal of this shift on pandemic response and subsequent economic relief during the downturn. But there’s plenty of ink spilled denouncing any country that’s breaking away from the MAGA mindset, particularly Canada, China, and Mexico.

    As our relationships with the BRICS and the various Latin American, African, and Southeast Asian states have deteriorated, our ability to recognize them as free and liberal have decayed alongside them. And the criticisms internally ebb and flow with the state of domestic politics - Obama ushering in a low-watermark for American liberty, for instance.