It isn’t yours, if you use them you signed it all over to them. They patented your DNA.
I’m hoping in 500 years, my DNA sequence is found on a perfectly preserved micro SD card and my clone gets to meet President Camacho and take on Beef Supreme and the Dildozer on Monday Night Rehabilitation.
That’s the optimistic timeline, we still have to actually get there first.
I am sure you can come with what a pessimistic timeline would look like.
I don’t have to, I watched Planet of the Apes
The monsters.
Well, that originally autocorrected to “mobsters,” but I suppose that’d work in a certain context, too.
I did this over a year ago, requesting that they delete my shit.
I got a nice email back saying that they would do so, but would retain necessary material to comply with local laws and law enforcement obligations.
So, my best bet is they didn’t delete anything. I only hope is that they don’t put it on the open market.
I just passed by the settings page and requested all my data. When I receive it, I will delete the account which, according to their full privacy statement, requires them to discard my sample, delete my data AND opt me out of 23andMe Research.
Never did the stupid test.
There’s a non-zero % chance that a nazi with ties to the government and unlimited money might be interested in this data… 👀
This eventually.
After the Ashkenazi data leak, I deleted my data with them. Never sharing that again.
you should definitely request your data to be deleted before it’s too late
russian psyops gets quasi-dimensional