Hey, this soup is cold. Take it back and warm it up, immediately!
Hey, this soup is cold. Take it back and warm it up, immediately!
You can watch Winter on Fire
How long do you think you can keep me in here, Cecil? I only have to get lucky once, you have to be lucky always.
I’m not sure that pointing out the hypocrisy is even useful. I’m nearing 40 and “but it’s okay when we do it” has always been a core tenant of conservatism. They don’t give a shit that they’re hypocrites, they don’t care, I’ve boxed them in on it before and it always just boils down to “it’s okay for us because I said so”. I think it’s maybe more useful to move past the identification of hypocrisy and start engaging in conversations about accountability. That is, conversations about hypocrisy without conversations about what kind of accountability you’d like to see are moot. So, let’s move past “can you believe this shit? But her emails? Do you feel like the hypocrites you are yet?” to “your boy did something fucking stupid. I don’t care about your excuses, fire him.”
Republicans believe in I guess what you’d call individual exceptionalism, in that they always believe that these shitty awful policies are magic missiles that will only target the “bad people” and not themselves or the “good people” they know. I’ll never forget that when they were planning the Muslim ban, a person I worked with was talking about how they’re all the enemy and we should keep them out. When I pointed out that he worked with a Muslim woman, he went “oh, well, that’s different, I know her, she’s a good person” without even ruminating on it for a second. For him, the logic was obvious, the bad policy wouldn’t affect her because he knows her and knows that she’s a good person, so obviously she’d be spared the ill effects of any bad policy. That’s why instead of getting fucking pissed, these people are always confused and astonished when the bad policy they advocated for affects them. “But wait, no, I’m a good person, there must be some mistake”. No, there’s no mistake, dumbass, good or bad person never entered the equation, just in the club or out of the club.
“Noooo haha, you don’t need regulations, you can just sue to be made whole through the courts (lol)”
IIRC, he also called for the corpocentrists to get primaried.
Don’t worry about getting it right 100% perfect in the planning phase, the important thing is to just get fucking moving. If either trying to shake up the democrats or forming a third party end up being wrong, then learn from it and keep moving. We can’t afford to miss the launch window because we couldn’t agree that the plan was perfect.
Jesus Christ, they already tried that shit with the lights in Trump I and the 9th circuit told them to fucking stop it. I distinctly remember because one of the judges was in a Japanese internment camp as a kid, and he ate that dipshit Trump attorney alive.
And yet, here we are again.
My pet conspiracy theory is that there’s already been multiple attempts since Butler, but they aren’t being publicized because they don’t want to encourage others.
Edit: to everyone who responded, I use regex infrequently enough that the knowledge never really crystalizes. By the time I need it for this one thing again, I haven’t touched it in like a year.
Straight up, the best living proof of this I’ve ever seen was a fifty-odd year old co-worker whose face looked like if you stuck Don Knotts’ face in a microwave/centrifuge combination for about 45 seconds. Dude had teeth poking out forward at near right angles. He pulled so much fucking tail, it was a constant problem at work. Incels refuse to believe me when I tell them about it, but, just, shit, idk what you want me to say, this quasi modo ass dude had game, so what’s your excuse?