Trump is an idiot.
Trump is an idiot.
MAGA merch is just nazi symbolism. Avoid them, don’t interact aside from giving them a thumbs down if you have too. Avoid their business.
Support a corrupt and utterly idiotic wannabe dictator.
Make that suprised Pikachu face when the guy you support turns out to be an idiot.
Lose money because of the idiot.
This reeks of cover up. This kid is a werewolf for sure.
So what will happen if they don’t meet those demands? Will democrats approve their funding bills without question … again?
We put a few mint plants in a large concrete planter and it filled the whole planter in one season. It does keep mice, cats, and mosquitos away.
This reality is so fucking stupid. Let’s sell something of value to buy something that is only valuable if someone really wants it bad enough.
I think the Supreme Court is starting to see what is coming. One of Trumps appointments may have flipped. You will never get Thomas to wake up, he will be praising Trump even when old Claerence is forced to divorce his wife because Trump outlaws interracial marriage (yea, that will be on the horizon)
No we fucking didn’t. She can’t win a primary against sanders.
Agreed. What is 100% proven is the fact that Republicans targeted democrats and did voter roll purges. Unethical and a shitty tactic, but evidently legal. This resulted in a LOT of provisional ballots, which are not counted unless the election becomes close.
Newsflash: He can’t do it. The Supreme Court would have to block it. If he does it to Tesla vandals then he can do it to anyone … including Supreme Court judges. The SC judges are not that stupid … anymore. It seems like one or two of them have spit Trumps balls out of their mouth.
About fucking time. Let’s see if they actually bring charges.
If this piece of filth can literally offer million dollar prizes to people that vote how he wants then we have no need of a government any longer.