Locking the thread before it gets worse. This is not the place to level potentially defamatory accusations against a person. Take that shit back to twitter.
I didn’t even know this dude was still around, let alone any sort of relevant
Pewds will soon discover Kenny and Luke Smith 😂. Linux is in vogue right now
The year of the Linux distro will soon be upon us
With Wayland pretty much done, some of the partially working issues here actually solved. https://wearewaylandnow.com/
Wine Wayland is already merged and the small bugs are being solved. https://youtu.be/45rBNpoK3L0
And NTSync is coming in Kernel 6.14. and in Wine its just waiting be merged.
This is the extent that I’m familiar with PewDiePie so i assume he is a turd if even Shawn thinks he’s bad.