Uh… what? They only thing they have in common is following the POSIX standard. The moment you step outside of that POSIX lowest common denominator, it becomes abundantly clear just how different they are.
Uh… what? They only thing they have in common is following the POSIX standard. The moment you step outside of that POSIX lowest common denominator, it becomes abundantly clear just how different they are.
We’re a crack house? Surrrrre.
Try crack house brothel of conservatism run by a megalomanical toddler, filled to the brim with weapons of mass destruction, and looking to expand into new territories. Then you’re right.
Screenshots? Look at Mr. Speedy Pants over here!
In my experience, half the time it’s a bloody YouTube video. Nothing says “fun” like having to seek back around in a video to find the next step without waiting 20 extra seconds because you already had to seek back and pause the video after it breezed past an overcomplicated and poorly explained step.
Not at all surprizing. Spez thinks he’s an upcoming Elon-like genius and wants to surround himself with like-minded techbros, but he’s actually a massive Musk bootlicker.
I think you are wrong, but only in the you’re not thinking about the big picture.
Elon “I traced the DDOS to Ukrainian terrorists” Musk is in charge of this. Someone on Twitter (probably his alt) is going to post a conspiracy on Twitter about Ukrainian or Canadian hackers being behind it, and he’s going to retweet it with some plausibly deniable bullshit like “not far off,” and rally up his cult of reactionary prokaryots to demand a economic or military response. It’s yet another golden opportunity for the crony collective to sweep their own incompetence under the rug while simultaneously scapegoating another country to push their unspoken-but-obvious agenda.
To anyone with critical thinking skills, sure. Try convincing the morons who believe he’s not a disinformation superspreader about that, though.
now he’s just a step removed from screaming about gay frogs.
He wouldn’t. He’ll bring on an “expert” on “gay frogs” and start Just Asking Questions-ing off while pretending to disagree. Once Gay Frogs Gary is platformed and given some time to spout off shit, then he’ll start subtly agreeing and posing conspiratorial questions under the guise of continuing his JAQing off session.
Oh, are we “shredding” instead of “slamming” now? An even better idea: acting on it
Rust is one of the harder languages for beginners to learn because of its borrow checker and strict ownership model, but it shouldn’t take more than a month or two for a competent senior to pick up.
It’s going to be deeply unpleasant and seem like a problem if:
If someone is at a senior level and any of those apply, they probably shouldn’t be at a senior level, though.
It shows they didn’t even watch the video.
Of course they didn’t. Musk fanboys are an echo chamber of morons worshipping a Nazi oligarch. They’re quick to react, and they dismiss evidence and facts if it doesn’t suit their narrative.
If you’re going to demand tariffs that increase prices to harm competition but not yourself, go fuck yourselves. The only thing that benefits is the company’s profit margins, while consumers are forced to pay more because you raise your own prices to match.