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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • There’s not even credible evidence, yet, that A.G.I is even possible (edit: as a human designed intentional outcome, to concede the point that nature has accomplished it, lol. Edit 2: Wait, the A stands for Artificial. Not sure I needed edit 1, after all. But I’m gonna leave it.) much less some kind of imminent race. This is some “just in case P=NP” bullshit.

    Also, for the love of anything, don’t help fucking “don’t be evil was too hard for us” be the ones to reach AGI first, if you’re able to help.

    If Google does achieve AGI first, SkyNet will immediately kill Sergei, anyway, before it kills the rest of us.

    It’s like none of these clowns have ever read a book.

  • research papers that require a strong background in mathematics and cryptography to understand and implement.

    Lol. I guess that makes sense. Outside of school, we hope that all authentication will be implemented only cryptography experts anyway.

    Could you maybe suggest some resources on this topic?

    Not really, sorry. I’m not aware of anyone creating resources for your situation.

    Or should I choose a simpler project?

    For some context, cryptography isn’t even usually implemented “completely correctly” by experts. That’s part of why we have constant software security patches.

    If I were in your shoes, I guess it would depend on my instructor and advisors.

    If I felt like they have the skills to catch mistakes and no time to help correct mistakes, then I would just choose a simpler project. If they’re cool with awarding a good grade for a functional demo, I might just go for it.

    I guess I would take this one to an advisor and get some feedback on practicality.