Way to validate your opposition’s supposedly wrong actions in nearly the same breath, stooge.
If full time Walmart employees need government assistance programs to afford food and pay their rent, is it not Walmart who is leaning on government assistance?
Way to validate your opposition’s supposedly wrong actions in nearly the same breath, stooge.
Lemmy has no edit history, so the only honest way to edit something after a reply has been made is to contain all new text after Edit: or at least add ()* if it’s to fix typos or reword. This should make people feel less like they’re arguing with a bag of water.
Let’s agree to disagree between who’s worse between two nightmare scenarios.
Fair enough, you weren’t surprised. Point stands, though, that Kurds are on the defensive largely because of a lack of support and powerful enemies. Hillary didn’t have recent events to contend with at the time, and her intended actions likely or at least plausibly would have stopped them from needing to behave that way. Erdogan made his move the literal moment Trump announced no more support, US involvement clearly prevented this up to that point.
Honestly, Al-Sharaa has been a great thing so far if stability is the real goal. This will be tested, though, once he tells a single big nation with economic interests in the region, “no” or if Trump/Putin can find something to extort them for.
It’s kinda hilarious the 180 he’s been forced to do, and despite already appearing disingenuous before, he’s now such a joke that I’m surprised he shows his face. Doug Ford had a far better chance of success than he does.
The deaths are much much higher. The IDF targets healthcare employees same as journalists. Can’t count if you’re dead I guess. World’s most moral army, they said.
Of course, if he’s not the middle man for all of the information oligarchs use to further steal from us, then what purpose does he serve? Sorry Elon, you’re gonna have to continue paying fealty for the bathroom leaks.
I’m not sure multiple post-hoc edits are going to make people trust you more, but better than nothing. Do people who interact with you need to screenshot the goalposts?
As for ISIS being better than Assad, I mean the bar is in hell, but for Syrians I think it’s unmistakable and Others seem to agree. Kurds would result in a much better governance. What we ended up getting with Al-Sharaa seems like the 2nd best scenario of the 4, which almost certainly couldn’t have happened without Ukraine putting up the defense they did.
The Kurds were abandoned to Turkey, and you’re surprised they’re on the defense? Erdogan wants them dead more than anything. We can talk about alternative timelines, but let’s not ignore what got us to the current set of facts and pretend it was always going to be this way.
It’s all Projection
Why is trying to prevent Russian airstrikes on Assad’s behalf triggering doubt that it’s for the benefit of the civilians? The kurds weren’t the ones Exterminating them with chemical warfare
The article you linked once again states her motivations were not what you said… She wanted to support the Kurds, something virtually no progressive should have a problem with doing in the Middle East. She specifically wanted to prevent ISIS from coming to power by arming the kurds and you even acknowledge the airstrikes were mostly used against them and not just from Russia, but Turkey too thanks to Trump fully abandoning our allies. Also, for the people of Syria, Assad may represent stability for the Russian interests there, but horrible outcomes for the people, I find/found him to be the worst of the three options.
Again, you’re free to say you think her motivations were to give ISIS a Senzu bean, but her stated mission was to arm and train the kurds and topple Assad. Something that eventually happened from a less scrupulous group because of a power vaccuum left by Russia, after trying to shore up a US power vaccuum with a cruel dictator and getting distracted by other imperialist interests. If anything, the strong ISIS emergence was directly counter to her plans; If you don’t misleadingly claim the plan and motivations immediately stop after Assad is outsted, anyway.
Her stated reasons were to protect Syrian civilians, not “ISIS and moderate rebels” according to your own source… Be careful about spreading misinformation. It’s okay to have the opinion that that’s who she was protecting, but I’d say the stated goals of Obama’s admin plainly dispute that motivation as well.
For every dollar spent on IRS staffing, etc, it’s estimated to be at least a 7x return. Any disruptions are going to cost a lot with that in mind. Also, I find it a little misguided to question the IRS, an agency that shows its work’s opinion on DOGE, an “agency?” Which has failed to show its work and has been caught lying frequently.
Finally, Springfield Ohio can go back to being a meth-riddled shit-hole as God intended. I hope the hateful people interviewed by Fox enjoy the loss of every federal and local social safety service at the same time.
I’m not so sure. Republicans do have a persecution fetish, but that’s specifically tuned not to apply to Republican leaders. Instead, the anger will be pointed at minorities. Many will take the bait because it’s what they do as a bloc every single time.
And so begins the Chinese century.
The disrespect is palpable. From the same admin that demands thank yous for support they don’t give comes, “Jump through the fucking hoop or die, Howard.”
All I’m saying is once they’re out of office, whether from having their skulls caved in, a noose around their necks, a democratic election, or dying comfortably of old age surrounded by their families rubbing their hands greedily thinking about the ill-gotten gains, the sane-washers need to suffer the same fate.
Looks like maybe cut an artery on the window to me. Scary stuff all around.